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I have spotified my research interest in biomedical engineering as early as entered college. In year 2014, I joined Xianting Ding's lab in Shanghai Jiaotong University for combinational drug study, sponsored by undergraduate innovation foundation in SJTU. After finishing the project, I noticed that I need to do more engineering practice, in order to subtly connect biomedicine question with engineering method.
Therefore, I joined nano optic engineering lab in electronic engineering department, advised by Dr. Zhi-cheng Ye. In the following 2 years, with the help of my tutor and senior lab partners, I learned photonics, optic simulation, metamaterial after classes, and applied the theory to specific engineering question.
However, after going further in BME, I found the ability to spotify problems in medicine and biology was more important. Therefore, I desided to go to medical school in SJTU, and tried to solve more problems in medicine. Many thanks to my advisors Jeff Wang and He Meng.
Below are detailed introduction of my research experiences.

The study aimed to learn combinational anti-inflammatory of traditional Chinese medicine

The study aimed to develop color shifting device based on bilayer grating inspired surface plasmon resonance.

Bilayer subwavelength grating based electro wetting is developed. High speed response and low demanding for energy make this device unique!
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